Converting Pocket Change Into A World Of Change®

Too Many Kids Are Food Insecure, Sleeping On Floors, Going to School Without Essentials. We Can Change That.

Around the world, too many kids begin each day without a proper night’s sleep; and head off to school hungry, and lacking the tools they need to thrive. We can change all that, one coin at a time. Our approach makes cents!

Did you know, there's an estimated $10 billion in loose change sitting idle in American households - an average of $90 per household not being put to use. Another estimate calculates $62 million in spare change discarded every year. How much change can you gather and convert into essentials to help kids thrive, such as meals, backpacks, and beds?

Engaging Youth In Philanthropy & Change

World of Change® is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization doing more than just benefitting kids as receivers of change. We empower all kids to be change makers.

100% Goes to Making change

Private donors, foundations, and sponsors support our operating costs so 100% of all change collected can go directly to programs with established nonprofits who are doing life-changing work in the areas of housing, food security, and education.


Find out about our organization, mission, focus areas, and our plans for massive change.

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Ready to join the movement, and make a World of Change®? Of course you are!

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